Casualties from fires in the home are on the increase – Due to faulty wiring

Casualties caused by electrical fires in the home are on the increase, according to NAPIT.

Fire related casualties caused by faulty electrical wiring are on the increase in homes across the UK, believes NAPIT. Between 2004 and 2011, injuries in this area rose by more than a third, whilst fatalities caused by faulty electrical distribution systems tripled, according to statistics from the Department of Communities and Local Government.

There were around 38,500 accidental domestic fires during 2010 – 2011. Around 22% of these were of electrical origin, with 10% caused by household wiring.

Older houses often have outdated internal wiring which can sometimes be worn, corroded or even damaged. Some properties will also have outdated fuse boxes which do not contain the same safety measures of newer models, such as RCD’s. This can leave members of the household exposed to the risk of electrical fires and even electrocution.

The organisation is encouraging anybody who believes their home electrics could have been damaged, bodged, or have simply deteriorated over time, to contact a registered electrician to check the property is safe.

Established for over 20 years, NAPIT is a nationwide, Government approved register professional tradesmen.

Source : Professional Electrician

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